one day you'll laugh at the sad saga that was my violent ego |
rare news from: 14th March '22 - Long time no.. whatever.. Wishing to be found and May you find yourself EPs are finally available on all major streaming audio platforms, so, be my guest.. // have a great life, friends in Music.. 23rd December '13 - It was time a new EP popped-up. May you find yourself is a 5 track EP, preview of what should come someday soon (or later): now available for streaming and zero/nameyrprice download on BC. Enjoy.
06th September '13 - You may have noticed Feel yr sleep EP is now available for streaming and zero/nameyrprice download on BC. Enjoy. And the new record is there to be finished. Hopefully soon. 05th November '12 - Here we go, a two track preview of what should pop up someday soon: A loooooong big yeah / I woke up suddenly. Enjoy. We do. 17th June '11 - Our record One day you'll laugh at the sad saga that was is also available on Tonevendor [USA] and Norman records [UK]. 1st March '11 - Here we are, finalmente, - the EPs collection record is ready on the table. Endless thanks to the friends of sometimes, white birch, handwriting rec: one day you'll laugh at the sad saga that was MY VIOLENT EGO features a selection of 22 titles from our rare/unreleased recordings before and after (being) Carried-along-by-fate. 14th Jan '11 - Yes, the first EPs collection record is nearly ready: it'll feature songs from clicks & hisses, líost, feel yr sleep, rejected by fate and other unreleased tracks. Sign up to get updates. 12th Oct '10 - Just joined and uploaded Là c'est la voix, an unreleased song of some years ago, and Carried-along-by-fate record, currently out-of-stock.. 22nd 01st May '10 - Upcoming old and new releases on Sometimes rec, tba. 14th dec 'o9 - We're still into the middle of new recordings, - I guess something will come out next Spring. In the meanwhile, Sea Dweller released Love is coming, - i'm pretty proud of that.. 19th june 'o9 - GloryEgo is a new song, there's a pre-mix video preview by Christy Brewster @ youtube, - enjoy. More, hopefully, soon. 10th july 'o9 - it looks like we are recording new music.. |